Category: rms

  • Microsoft Information Protection Broken in Gmail

    Microsoft Information Protection Broken in Gmail

    Just a short note to help you fix this error: This message is protected with Microsoft Information Protection. You can open it using Microsoft Outlook, available for iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac OS. Get Outlook for your device here: With Microsoft Information Protection, you can prevent your email messages from being copied or forwarded without…

  • Seamless Office 365 Message Encryption (OME) Never Works

    Seamless Office 365 Message Encryption (OME) Never Works

    Microsoft 365 Purview Message Encryption, previously known as OME (Office Message Encryption) and before that Microsoft Rights Management, allows you to share protected email with anyone on any device. Users can exchange protected messages with other Microsoft 365 organizations, as well as third-parties using, Gmail, and other email services. The feature is part of…

  • Azure Information Protection and SSL Inspection

    I came across this issue the other day, so thought I would add it to my blog. We were trying to get Azure Information Protection operating in a client, and all we could see when checking the download of the templates in File > Info inside an Office application was the following: The sequence of…

  • Azure Information Protection General Troubleshooting

    Azure Information Protection (AIP) is the new name, and new features for Azure Rights Management. Azure Information Protection allows a company to create a series of labels to apply to documents and to have those documents tags and labelled. For example a watermark or header is easy to set in the Azure Information Protection management…

  • Enabling Microsoft Rights Management in SharePoint Online

    This article is the fifth in a series of posts looking at Microsoft’s new Rights Management product set. In an earlier previous post we looked at turning on the feature in Office 365 and in this post we will look at protecting documents in SharePoint. This means your cloud users and will have their data…

  • Using Microsoft Rights Management from Microsoft Office

    This article is the second last in a series of posts looking at Microsoft’s new Rights Management product set. In an earlier previous post we looked at turning on the feature in Office 365 and in this post we will look at protecting documents and emails in Microsoft Office 2010 or later. This means your…

  • Creating Microsoft Rights Management Templates and Policies

    This article is the sixth in a series of posts looking at Microsoft’s new Rights Management product set. In the previous post we looked at turning on the feature in Office 365 and in a later post we will see how to integrate this into your on-premises servers. In this post we will look at…

  • Configuring Exchange On-Premises to Use Azure Rights Management

    This article is the fifth in a series of posts looking at Microsoft’s new Rights Management product set. In an earlier previous post we looked at turning on the feature in Office 365 and in this post we will look at enabling on-premises Exchange Servers to use this cloud based RMS server. This means your…

  • Enabling and Configuring AADRM in Exchange Online

    This article is the fourth in a series of posts looking at Microsoft’s new Rights Management product set. In the previous post we looked at turning on the feature in Office 365 and in this post we will look at how to manage the service in the cloud. In this series of articles we will…

  • Managing Azure Active Directory Rights Management

    This article is the third in a series of posts looking at Microsoft’s new Rights Management product set. In the previous post we looked at turning on the feature in Office 365 and in this post we will look at how to manage the service in the cloud. In this series of articles we will…

  • Turning on Azure Active Directory Rights Management

    This article is the second in a series of articles about protecting and sharing your content no matter where it is and how you made it. To protect your content so it can be used by those that you allow alone you need to assign rights to it. Here we are going to look at…

  • The New Rights Management Service

    This blog is the start of a series of articles I will write over the next few months on how to ensure that your data is encrypted and secured to only the people you want to access it, and only for the level of rights you want to give them. The technology that we will…

  • Message Classifications, Exchange Server, Exchange Online and Outlook

    Message Classifications are a way to tag email with a property that describes the purpose of the email, for example “Internal Use Only” might be a classification to tell the recipient of the email that the message should not be forwarded. Classifications are configured by administrators and appear shortly after creation in Outlook Web App,…

  • Installing and Configuring AD RMS and Exchange Server

    Earlier this week at the Microsoft Exchange Conference (MEC 2012) I led a session titled Configuring Rights Management Server for Office 365 and Exchange On-Premises [E14.314]. This blog shows three videos covering installation, configuration and integration of RMS with Exchange 2010 and Office 365. For Exchange 2013, the steps are mostly identical. Installing AD RMS…