Category: 2010

  • Exchange Server Object ID Error With Windows Server 2016 Domain Controllers

    Saw this error the other day: When you open Exchange Control Panel and view the Mailbox Delegation tab of any user account you get the following: The object <name> has been corrupted, and it’s in an inconsistent state. The following validation errors happened: The access control entry defines the ObjectType ‘9b026da6-0d3c-465c-8bee-5199d7165cba’ that can’t be resolved..…

  • XOORG, Edge and Exchange 2010 Hybrid

    So you have found yourself in the position of moving to Exchange Online from a legacy version of Exchange Server, namely Exchange 2010. You are planning to move everyone, or mostly everyone to Exchange Online and directory synchronization plays a major part (can it play a minor part?) in your plans. So you have made…

  • Exchange Edge Server and Common Attachment Blocking In Exchange Online Protection

    Both Exchange Server Edge role and Exchange Online Protection have an attachment filtering policy. The default in Edge Server is quite long, and the default in EOP is quite short. There is also a few values that are common to both. So, how do you merge the lists so that your Edge Server attachment filtering…

  • Exchange Server and Missing Root Certificates

    I came across an issue with a clients Exchange Server deployment today that is not well documented – or rather it is, but you need to know where to look. So I thought I would document the troubleshooting steps and the fix here. We specifically came across this error when testing Free/Busy for an Office…

  • Unable To Send Exchange Quota Message

    In Exchange 2013 you can sometimes see the following event log error (MSExchange Store Driver Submission, ID 1012): The store driver failed to submit event <id> mailbox <guid> MDB <database guid> and couldn’t generate an NDR due to exception Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxTransport.StoreDriverCommon.InvalidSenderException   at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxTransport.Shared.SubmissionItem.SubmissionItemUtils.CopySenderTo(SubmissionItemBase submissionItem, TransportMailItem message)   at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxTransport.Submission.StoreDriverSubmission.MailItemSubmitter.GenerateNdrMailItem()   at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxTransport.Submission.StoreDriverSubmission.MailItemSubmitter.<>c__DisplayClass1.<FailedSubmissionNdrWorker>b__0()   at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxTransport.StoreDriverCommon.StorageExceptionHandler.RunUnderTableBasedExceptionHandler(IMessageConverter converter, StoreDriverDelegate workerFunction). And…

  • Exchange OWA and Multi-Factor Authentication

    This article is now out of date Multi-factor authentication (MFA), that is the need to have a username, password and something else to pass authentication is possible with on-premises servers using a service from Windows Azure and the Multi-Factor Authentication Server (an on-premises piece of software). The Multi-Factor Authentication Server intercepts login request to OWA,…

  • Group Policy Import To Fix Google Chrome v37 Issues With Exchange Server and Microsoft CRM

    A recent update to Google Chrome (37.0.2062.120) removed the ability to support modal dialog boxes. This are dialogs that require your attention and stop you going back to the previous page until you have completed the info required – these are very useful in workflow type scenarios. Google claim that as 0.004% of web sites…

  • Exchange Online Free/Busy Issues with OAuth Authentication

    Update: 10 Dec 2014: It is reported that this issue is fixed in CU7 for Exchange Server 2013 OAuth authentication is a new server to server authentication model available in Exchange 2013 SP1 and later and Exchange Online (Office 365). With OAuth enabled and Exchange hybrid in place and where you have multiple endpoints of…

  • Exchange Web Services (EWS) and 501 Error

    As is common with a lot that I write in this blog, it is based on noting down the answers to stuff I could not find online. For this issue, I did find something online by Michael Van “Hybrid”, but finding it was the challenge. So rather than detailing the issue and the reason (you…

  • Configuring Exchange On-Premises to Use Azure Rights Management

    This article is the fifth in a series of posts looking at Microsoft’s new Rights Management product set. In an earlier previous post we looked at turning on the feature in Office 365 and in this post we will look at enabling on-premises Exchange Servers to use this cloud based RMS server. This means your…

  • An “Inexpensive” Exchange Lab In Azure

    This blog post centres around two scripts that can be used to quickly provision an Exchange Server lab in Azure and then to remove it again. The reason why the blog post is titled “inexpensive” is that Azure charges compute hours even if the virtual machines are shut down. Therefore to make my Exchange lab…

  • Highly Available Office 365 to On-Premises Mail Routing

    This article looks at how to configure mail flow from Office 365 (via Exchange Online Protection – EOP) to your On Premises organization to ensure that it is highly available and work in disaster recovery scenarios with no impact. It is based on exactly the same principle to that which I blogged about in 2012:…

  • Errors in Moving Exchange Archive Mailboxes to Office 365

    I was trying to move an Archive mailbox to the Office 365 service from my demo environment the other day when I came across an error I thought I would note down here for completion. I could not find the error elsewhere on the internet An archive mailbox must be enabled before it can be…

  • Enabling and Configuring AADRM in Exchange Online

    This article is the fourth in a series of posts looking at Microsoft’s new Rights Management product set. In the previous post we looked at turning on the feature in Office 365 and in this post we will look at how to manage the service in the cloud. In this series of articles we will…

  • Message Classifications, Exchange Server, Exchange Online and Outlook

    Message Classifications are a way to tag email with a property that describes the purpose of the email, for example “Internal Use Only” might be a classification to tell the recipient of the email that the message should not be forwarded. Classifications are configured by administrators and appear shortly after creation in Outlook Web App,…

  • Cannot Send Emails To Office 365 or Exchange Online Protection Using TLS

    I have found this is a common issue. You set up an Exchange Online Hybrid or Exchange Online Protection (EOP) stand alone service and follow all the instructions for the creating of the connectors needed, only to find that your emails queue in your Exchange Server. If you turn on protocol logging you get this…

  • The Exchange Server Header Firewall

    The below Header Firewall video was recorded as “pre-reading” for the Exchange 2010 MCM program. The website that originally hosted this video is no longer available, so I am reposting the video that I recorded here:

  • Ensuring Email Delivery Security with Exchange 2013

    To force Exchange 2013 to guarantee the secure delivery of a message can be done a few different ways. In this version of the product and in previous versions it was possible to create a send connector for a given domain and enable Mutual TLS on the connector. Then all messages to the domain(s) that…

  • Moving Exchange Online Protection Junk Mail to the Junk Email Folder

    If you use Exchange Online Protection (EOP) to filter your email in the cloud and to remove spam and malware before onward delivery to you, and if you use Exchange 2007 or later on-premises, then you need to configure Exchange to move detected spam to the Junk Email folder in Outlook. By default EOP detects…

  • Removing Edge Subscription When Exchange 2013 Installed

    Exchange 2013 does not have an Edge role (at the time of writing – Aug 2013). It is possible to use Exchange 2010 SP3 and install the Edge role should you need one. There is a problem though when it comes to removing the Edge Subscription between an organization that contains Exchange 2013 servers and…

  • Domain Secure and Edge Servers

    I was asked a question recently on the Microsoft Certified Master course for Exchange 2010 and was told that the answer was not clearly written up on the internet. So I thought I would write this blog post. The question was based on the idea that Domain Secure worked from a Hub Transport server in…