Migrating from AADConnect Sync to Entra Connect Cloud Sync Correctly

At the time of writing this blog post, the Microsoft guide for doing an AADConnect to Entra ID Cloud Sync migration is lacking quite a lot of detail. It contains the sum of two self referencing documents, one of which is a guide to doing the migration in a lab environment and the other is a table of high level points.

So here is how you go about doing this from beginning to end, with some pictures – it is quite long!

You cannot just cutover to Entra Connect Cloud Sync if you are already running AADConnect. There is no supported way to allow both sync engines to sync the same content at the same time. The general process is to customize the sync rules in AADConnect so that you import but do not export the OUs or group that contains the items you want to migrate. In this article we will do the migration via OU, but group is similar.

Prep for Pilot

Start therefore by creating a new OU as a child OU under an existing synced OU. This will contain our pilot objects. Move into this OU a few users, a few groups and a few contacts. At the time of writing Cloud Sync does not sync devices if it ever will and so we are not concerned with migrating devices. If you are syncing devices then you are not migrating to Cloud Sync (based on functionality in Oct 2023). The pilot users should be members of the groups. For a fuller test create another group in a different OU that AADConnect is syncing and place you pilot users in that group as well. That will cover scenarios where the user is migrated but the group is not (yet) migrated to Cloud Sync.

Your users should have membership of some cloud groups and should be licenced. This way you can ensure that these changes do not impact this functionality as well. Keep a record of what groups and licences your test users have so that you can check as the migration goes on that nothing changes. For example:

Test user has a licence

All non-pilot users will remain in the existing OUs when we come to process those. It is only the pilot users that we move to a dedicated and new OU for the purpose of pilot.

AADConnect Sync Rule Modifications

Next is to create three new Inbound sync rules for AADConnect. This needs to be done per seperate OU tree that you currently sync, starting with just the pilot OU.

First disable the sync scheduler. This is done via PowerShell on the AADConnect server.

Set-ADSyncScheduler -SyncCycleEnabled $false

This stops any current sync and disables the scheduler. You can always run manual syncs during this time if you need to, but it will not run every 30 minutes automatically.

In the Synchronization Rules Editor application, add a new Inbound rule. One for “users/person”, one for “group/group” and one for “contact/person”. If you dont sync these objects, i.e. contacts, you do not need the rule.

New Inbound Rule – suitable name and unique precedence

The Name should indicate the object type (user/person in the above), and which OU it is doing. Link type here is join. I have set precedence 80 and will use 81 and 82 for group and contact. This needs to be unique across all inbound and outbound rules.

Adding the scoping rule

The scoping rule is dn ENDSWITH the pilot OU dn. This means it will include all users in the pilot OU.

There is no join rule.

Finally the transform rule:

The transform rule

The transform rule is a Constant of target Attribute cloudNoFlow set to True. Your AADConnect server needs to be running version 1.5 or later for this option to be available. You should be on v2 as 1st October 2023 is here, which is the last date for v1 to work – but if you are reading this and v1 is still in place, not syncing and you need to migrate to cloud sync, then you need to install the latest v2 instead to get a working sync engine and then migrate from there.

Save the rule and then create one more for groups (metaverse object type is group) and then another for contacts (object type is person).

Rules for groups

You will be told a full sync will happen on the next run of the sync engine after each rule addition:

You will finish with the following Inbound rules:

New rules for migrating to Entra Connect Cloud Sync

You now need to make three outbound rules. These three rules will be the only outbound rules you will need. You will need more inbound rules if you have lots of seperate OU hierarchies to sync, but only ever these three outbound rules.

The “Users Out” rule

The “Users Out” rule needs a unique precedence, for example I used 83, 84 and 85 for Users Out, Groups Out and Contacts Out. This is a rule that connects to Entra ID (onmicrosoft.com, not Active Directory like the earlier rules) and the Link Type is JoinNoFlow

The “User Out” rule scoping filter

For the scoping filter, the Attribute is CloudNoFlow EQUALS True. This will stop any imported object from the previous rules being synced (or exported) to Entra ID.

There are no join rules or transform rules needed.

Create two more, one for groups and one for contacts. Remember the join type is JoinNoFlow for these rules. All with unique precedences.

The three “Outbound” rules created

Run a manual sync (remember the scheduler is turned off at this point) using PowerShell


This will perform the full sync steps are mentioned in the rules editor a number of times.

Installing the Cloud Sync Agent

At this point we install a single cloud sync agent. For high availability we need to install more, but that can be done later. Do not install multiple agents at the same time as the first one.

There are a number of things that can go wrong here. I have found that if you run the agent on domain controllers it needs a lot of care to make it work. This guide now lists some of the issues I found as well.

Download the install the provisioning agent from the Entra Connect Cloud Sync portal

Installing the agent

If the agent fails to start the service and you get this:

Then change the service to Log On as the domain administrator account and then click Retry. The service is changed to a dedicated account later on and does not remain as the domain administrator:

Changing the service Log On account to allow it to start.

Once the agent is installed, the configuration wizard starts. There is an icon for this on the desktop (just like AADConnect) should you need to restart it.

The Entra Connect Cloud Sync configuration wizard

Follow the install steps:

Cloud Sync is selected

Turn off Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration in Server Manager if this happens and restart the wizard:

Restart wizard after fixing this
Internet Explorer configuration changes on servers

Choose to create a custom gMSA account:

Create a custom gMSA account, provide domain admin creds to enable this to happen
Connect your AD Forest to sync

Finish and install the agent:

Finishing… …or maybe not!
Errors pGMSA_xxxxxxxxxx after 6 retries

The above error, if you get it, is becuase the directory only supports certain encryption cyphers and the gMSA account supports others. There is a single PowerShell cmdlets to run listed at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/azure/active-directory/azure-ad-hybrid-sync-unable-create-gmsa-kds-domain-controller – and this works though the error message is not the same in that article as seen in the agent installer. The PS cmdlet is :

Set-ADServiceAccount -Identity CN=provAgentgMSA,CN=Managed Service Accounts,DC=... -KerberosEncryptionType AES128,AES256
The PowerShell fix, using the full DN of the gMSA account

If you get this error fix it, but you cannot continue installing the agent until you have rebooted that server and uninstalled the agent and started again. At this point I recommend installing it on one of your other servers that you where going to use. This works becuase the settings are all now correct before the agent starts and the same gMSA account is being used.

Installed successfully on the second agent server (as I could not reboot the first during the day and so the project was not delayed)!

Once the agent is installed, you should see it listed on the Cloud Sync admin portal:

Agent listed by server name and external IP on the portal. Agent is active

Now that you have an agent in place, its time to create a configuration to sync the pilot OU objects. Meanwhile, AADConnect is still suspended for sync as the scheduler is still disabled. Once we have a configuration in place in Cloud Sync we will resume the AADConnect scheduler to keep syncing all the other OUs

Creating a new configuration

Click + New Configuration

New cloud sync configuration

Select the domain you would like to sync and enable Password Hash Sync if you had this in the AADConnect sync configuration.

You will now see the “Get started provisioning your agent” page:

Get started…

Click Add scoping filters. On the Scoping Filters page, add the Selected organizational units option and enter the pilot OU like as shown:

Adding only the pilot OU to the Cloud Sync configuration

The OU that you enter here is the OU that contains your pilot objects. You can get this from any object that you want to sync by showing the Attribute Editor tab in Active Directory Users and Computers as shown below:

Getting the dn (distinguishedName) value

You will also need the full dn of any of the pilot user objects so that you can test a sync. You cannot test sync objects other than users. Enter the dn into the Provision on demand page:

Provision on demand for one in-scope object via its dn

Your sync should be successful:

A successful provision on demand

Further Configuration of Cloud Sync

From the “Get Started” page click Properties. Here you will need to enable Exchange hybrid writeback if you have Exchange Server, Exchange Management Tools or Exchange Online mailboxes. This requires that you have the Exchange Server schema in Active Directory. More on deploying just the management tools can be found here.

Sync properties

Include a mailbox or DL for notifications and drop the accidental deletion threshold to the same as you have for AADConnect (a number larger than your standard deletion amount on any given 30 minutes).

Before you enable the sync, check the “Review and enable configuration” page:

Review and then enable the configuration

Your pilot users, groups and contacts should now sync. You can check the Provisioning Logs page. Each of your objects should be synced and you should check each one.

Further testing is possible here. You should modify the user object in some way (for example as shown below) and ensure that changes sync. At the end of this blog we will cover the configuration of password writeback, so you should test this at this time if needed as well:

Changing the display name attribute

You can start a manual sync or Provision on demand the single object that you have changed rather than waiting 30-40 minutes for the sync to happen. If the change successfully makes it to Entra ID then your Cloud Sync is working.

Ensure that the pilot users still have their licences, are in the same groups etc. etc.

Syncing AADConnect Again

Now that Cloud Sync is setup for the pilot OU, run a manual sync on AADConnect. This is done with the following PowerShell. Remember that the scheduler is not running so you need to do this manually. You would see in the Synchronization Service window that your changes (such as Display Name above) would be synced, but they will not be exported. Changes for this OU should be via Cloud Sync only:

Starting a manual AADConnect sync
Synchronization Service showing no exports even though objects within AADConnect scope for sync have been changed

Once you are happy that your Cloud Sync is processing the changes to the pilot objects and AADConnect is not, and that AADConnect is not deleting objects that are not being synced, it is time to enable the AADConnect scheduler again so that all non-pilot objects are back on a 30 minutes schedule.

Set-ADSyncScheduler -SyncCycleEnabled $true

Moving From Pilot To Production for Cloud Sync

Once you have a successful pilot, it is time to start to sync other objects via Cloud Sync and not via AADConnect. The easiest way to do this is via OU filtering, and move up the OU hierarchy. Modify the rules in the Synchronization Rules Editor and the Cloud Sync Scoping Filters so that you move from something at one level to the parent level. For example you might have this:


And you would move to this:


All we have done here is moved up a single OU. In the Synchronization Rules Editor, edit each inbound rule (click the Edit button) and modify the Scoping Filter as shown so that you remove the pilot OU and leave the parent OU.

If the OU is unrelated to the pilot OU (a different hierarchy) then create three new Inbound rules for this new OU branch.

Inbound rules
Delete an OU from the dn ENDSWITH value

Repeat for each of the rules. At this point run a AADConnect sync. This will run the Full Sync and wait until this is completed.

Changes are imported, but nothing is now exported from all the new OUs in scope of the modified rules

Then in Cloud Sync, add a new OU under scoping rules for the OU you are now syncing and remove the previous OU (you cannot edit the list of OUs) or if a new OU entirely, add it as an additional branch to sync.

Wait 20-40 minutes and confirm sync is happening via Cloud Sync. Modify attributes as required to test if you need to prove success.

Continue to remove OUs from AAD Connect and add the same OUs to Cloud Sync. Progress this at whatever speed you need to.

Continue until all the OUs that you where syncing with AADConnect are added to the new rules and included in the Scoping Filter for Cloud Sync.

It is important to be aware that “manager” and “memberOf” attributes will sync via AADConnect for objects that are excluded from sync scope. Therefore you cannot update AADConnect and remove OUs from the sync scope via the configuration wizard. Leave all synced OUs in place, just modify the rules to have them moved to the control of Cloud Sync.

Password Writeback Updates

If you are doing password writeback then you need to enable this for Cloud Sync. It does not matter at what point you do this, as long as it is done before you uninstall AADConnect (as AADConnect will process the password writeback up to the time you uninstall it in the next step).

If you do the next step of uninstalling AADConnect and have not configured password writeback you will see Cloud Sync being quarantined as shown:

Quarantined sync

Checking the Cloud Sync Audit Logs if you go into quarantine will tell you why, and if this is due to AADConnect being turned off or uninstalled then you will see:

Password writeback endpoint not enabled in Cloud Sync, and AADConnect being uninstalled

To move password writeback to Cloud Sync (or have it running on both AADConnect and Cloud Sync until AADConnect is uninstalled) you need to go to the Entra ID Admin Portal, Password Reset and then On-Premises Integration. Here you will be able to turn on password writeback via Cloud Sync:

Write back passwords with Microsoft Entra Cloud Sync

Check the second option, Write back passwords with Microsoft Entra Cloud Sync. The errors at the top will depend upon whether you do this after you uninstall AADConnect (as I did to get this screenshot) or if you did it earlier. Once the option to writeback passwords is enabled, it will take a few minutes for an agent to be updated and the password reset page to show a completed (green) message as shown:

Password writeback via Cloud Sync in place (waiting for agent update)
Password writeback via Cloud Sync in place (agents completed)

Decommissioning AADConnect

Once you have moved all your OUs to Cloud Sync you can turn off and remove AADConnect. Note that you do not remove the OUs that you are syncing from AADConnect.

First step in this process is to uninstall AADConnect:

Uninstalling AADConnect

Once AADConnect is uninstalled you can remove the AADConnect servers in the Entra ID Admin Portal. There are two levels to this, the server, and the service:

Deleting an AADConnect server in the Entra ID Admin Portal
Confirming AADConnect server delete
Then deleting the service

Your final step to complete an Entra Connect Cloud Sync migration is to remove the MSOL_xxx accounts in Active Directory, or if you had a custom account, to remove that:

Find, and then delete any MSOL_ accounts in your directory

Top photo by Jeremy Bishop: https://www.pexels.com/photo/lighthouse-2524873/


19 responses to “Migrating from AADConnect Sync to Entra Connect Cloud Sync Correctly”

  1. Alastair avatar

    Thank you for this excellent article!
    We had the error while creating the gMSA and the solution you describe fixed it.
    One tiny comment, in the example the DN of the object ends with a typo of DN= rather than dc=
    CN=provAgentgMSA,CN=Managed Service Accounts,dc=mydomainname,dc=com

  2. Arian van der Pijl avatar
    Arian van der Pijl

    I noticed that Microsoft Entra Cloud Sync doesn’t populate the ms-DS-ConsistencyGuid in the on premise Active Directory.

    Does cloud sync support writeback of ms-ds-consistencyGUID for any object?
    *No, cloud sync doesn’t support writeback of ms-ds-consistencyGUID for any object (including user objects).

    *The source anchor for objects is chosen automatically. It uses ms-DS-ConsistencyGuid if present, otherwise ObjectGUID is used.

    Do you happen to know what the implication is? Maybe advanced consolidation of local forest may impact but I just was wandering why MS reverted to ObjectGUID instead of ms-DS-ConsistencyGuid with Cloud Sync.

    1. Brian Reid avatar

      The key word here is “if present”. Not all Active Directory schemas have “ms-DS-ConsistencyGuid” or if they do, it might have been used for something else, and so already contains a value. If that is the case, the sync tool will use ObjectGUID. This is no different than express mode on Entra ID Connect Sync – that will use these rules as well. You only get to pick the attribute to use in advanced setup.

  3. Paul avatar

    Thank you again for the writeup! Much more thorough than the Microsoft documentation.

    Hello – when I finally Review and enable Cloud Sync, my config gets put into quarantine due to a high number of deletions. I set my deletion threshold to just 5 – but I wasn’t expecting cloud to sync to delete users that wasn’t in its scope, but just not sync then anymore. I checked my users and nothing was in fact deleted. Sync did bring over the changes for the one test user within scope, but sync logs show “Staged Delete” for all the other users that are out of scope.

    Do you know if this is expected behavior?

    1. Brian Reid avatar

      When you hit your deletion threshold, no matter what the value is, you are quarantined. So when you say you are put into quarantine due to the “high number of deletions” its not a high number – its 5. Set your deletion threshold much higher for the first run of the wizard as it will remove all objects not in scope for Cloud Sync (even if they are in scope for AADConnect). The two applications do not communicate to each other – you need to set the scope for both to the same and then cutover. Later, reduce your deletion threshold.

  4. Lotte avatar

    Thank you for the invaluable information! Decommissioning our old AAD Connect went through without a hitch thanks to this article!

  5. G. Jongeneel avatar
    G. Jongeneel

    Hi Brian, it seems that you have to make sure that when syncing a user, you also need to sync all groups that this user is a member of, both by using Cloud Sync. If the user is synced by Cloud Sync and the group(s) still by AAD Connect, the user ends up in Entra ID without being a member of those groups. At least, that is my experience until now.

    1. Jan avatar

      I can confirm this is true and some planning is needed to do not interrupt services like group licensing.

  6. Steven Siu avatar
    Steven Siu

    Hello Brian,

    We migrated to Cloud Sync a couple of weeks ago, due to the group writeback being deprecated. After about a week or so, our AD-Synced users started reporting that they are unable to login to Entra-joined windows devices.

    Looking in to the issue, looks like Cloud Sync added a duplicate entry in the registry hive HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IdentityStore\LogonCache\{GUID}\SubPkgs\{DOMAIN} in addition to the {NETBIOSNAME}, pointing to the same DNS domain, causing the AD Synced users not able to sign in. However, Cloud only accounts was able to sign in without a hitch.

    Knowing that we will eventually need to migrate to Cloud Sync, do you have any insights on how to avoid this nightmare scenario from happening again? We have hundreds of remote users affected during the outage.

    1. Brian Reid avatar

      This is not something I have come across, though I have successfully moved hybrid users from Connect Sync to Cloud Sync and synced users could still log in a few weeks later.

  7. Victor Bassey avatar
    Victor Bassey

    Thanks Brien, this is still saving lives in 2024..lol. Please regarding the below statement

    “AADConnect Sync Rule Modifications

    Next is to create three new Inbound sync rules for AADConnect. This needs to be done per separate OU tree that you currently sync, starting with just the pilot OU.”

    If i have a Parent OU with multiple Child OUs, and the Parent OU is not not synced but a number of child OUs are synced, do i need to create sync rule of each child OU or just the parent OU?

    1. Brian Reid avatar

      If you sync the parent OU then that will include future new child OUs. If you only sync specific child OUs (all the ones that exist now) then any new child OU of the parent will not sync when it is created in the future.

  8. Jan avatar

    Hi Brian,
    thanks for the article, I am preparing the pilot and it was successful, but I have a different situation.
    I am currently syncing two connected domains via AD Connect and i want to disconnect them and move one domain to Cloud sync.
    Could you please advise, what is the final step, how to remove one domain from connect sync and do not delete all the users from this domain ? Because I cannot uninstall the AD Connect as mentioned.

    1. Brian Reid avatar

      Let me check what I think you are trying to say. You want to stop syncing one domain but do not want those users deleted, but the other domain you want to move to cloud sync and keep syncing. If so this is complex, because its more than one task. So break it into parts. If you just stop syncing with Connect Sync then the users will not be deleted, but you cannot move them to Cloud Sync this way because that is not a supported route to doing this. So I would move ALL users to cloud sync, decom Connect Sync. Then as a separate task, out of hours, remove the OUs in the second domain that you are syncing and do a full sync a few times. This will delete your users in the cloud that are from the second domain. Then in Entra ID Users > Deleted Users, restore the users. They are now cloud only users and your job is completed.

  9. Oleksii avatar


    In my pilot environment, I’ve migrated from Azure AD Connect to Cloud Sync. Currently, the source anchor is set to objectGUID. How can I move to ms-ds-consistencyGuid?

    I’ve tried both with an empty ms-ds-consistencyGuid and with ms-ds-consistencyGuid populated from the objectGUID. Cloud Sync continues to sync to AAD successfully, regardless of whether ms-ds-consistencyGuid is empty or not.

    1. Brian Reid avatar

      In https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/identity/hybrid/cloud-sync/reference-cloud-sync-faq it says that Cloud Sync uses ms-ds-consistency-GUID with a fallback to ObjectGUID as source anchor. It also says there’s no supported way to change the source anchor, but also that cloud sync doesn’t support writeback of ms-ds-consistencyGUID for any object (including user objects). This means that though Cloud Sync might be using ms-ds-consistencyGUID you will not know it as it will not update this object in Active Directory.

  10. wes avatar

    Thanks Brian. Sounds like the pilot users cannot be in any groups with non-pilot users – am I understanding this correctly? That makes it difficult to pilot this in a real org with real users (without starting right off with a decently large pilot group!).

    1. Brian Reid avatar

      Your pilot groups would be test groups for the purpose of making sure it works, rather than real groups. Initially (pilot) you are moving some users to Cloud Sync. The production groups these users belong to remain in their current OU and are synced with Connect Sync. Membership of these should not change. Create some pilot groups to check that moving a group into the Cloud Sync OUs will also work.

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