Category: Office 365

  • Malware Filter Policy Updates in Office 365

    Updated August 2022 In March 2017 I wrote a blog post that showed how to take the attachment filter list from Edge Server and add those attachment block types to EOP, as EOP had a very small list of attachments. In June 2017 in one of my client tenants I noticed this precanned list of…

  • Administrators, AADConnect and AdminSDHolder Issues (or why are some accounts having permission-issue)

    [Scripts updated 5th October 2017 to support updates for Exchange Hybrid Writeback. If you ran earlier versions of these scripts you will need to run them again] AdminSDHolder is something I come across a lot, but find a lot of admins are unaware of it. In brief it is any user that is a member…

  • Bypassing Focused Inbox and Clutter Folders

    For the last few years Exchange Online mailboxes have been processed by a service call Clutter, which moved the less important emails, or indeed the clutter, to a dedicated folder. This is now in the processes of being replaced by the Focused Inbox, which is client version dependant and is all based on views on…

  • Exchange Edge Server and Common Attachment Blocking In Exchange Online Protection

    Both Exchange Server Edge role and Exchange Online Protection have an attachment filtering policy. The default in Edge Server is quite long, and the default in EOP is quite short. There is also a few values that are common to both. So, how do you merge the lists so that your Edge Server attachment filtering…

  • RC4 Kerberos and AD FS Issues

    It has become common place to consider the position of the RC4 cipher in TLS connections, but this is not something that you can take from a TLS connection (HTTPS) and assume the same for Kerberos connections. If you do disable RC4 for Kerberos then there are some things to consider, especially is you have…

  • Azure Information Protection General Troubleshooting

    Azure Information Protection (AIP) is the new name, and new features for Azure Rights Management. Azure Information Protection allows a company to create a series of labels to apply to documents and to have those documents tags and labelled. For example a watermark or header is easy to set in the Azure Information Protection management…

  • Photos, Exchange, And The File System

    On an Exchange 2013 and later server this is a folder called photos that gets created after installation and can contain a couple of user photos for some of your users. How does it get there and what does it contain? The photos folder appears (on 2016 anyway) when the user uploads a photo (via…

  • Azure MFA 503 Error When Authenticating

    If you have installed version 7 of Azure MFA Server on-premises ( or at the time of writing) and have enabled IIS authentication with Forms Based authentication and the Native App, but when you need to authenticate you are presented with a 503 DLL error. The reason for this is that version 7 removed…

  • OU Filtering in AADConnect–What They Grey Boxes Mean

    So I had the chance to check this today. If you do OU filtering in the DirSync tools you will get an OU structure with various grey boxes in it. Here is an example: It appears that both and are options in the sync tool. You get the first (grey with a tick ) if…

  • Skype for Business Meetings Don’t Come With a Telephone Number

    Yes, that is correct if you are using Skype for Business Online. When you create a meeting request in Outlook you just get the “Join Skype Meeting” message. This is because dial-in meetings are an add on to Skype for Business Online and the PSTN Conferencing feature is needed. As long as you are an…

  • Creating a Phone System In Office 365 in Ten Minutes

    I have been invited into the Skype for Business Cloud PSTN preview in the UK and so I though I would jot down a few comments on how easy it was to configure and get a working telephone line and full PBX without doing more than a few clicks of the mouse in Office 365…

  • Get-SpoofMailReport in EOP

    Using Office 365 or EOP to protect your email and worried about spoofed emails? Then try this cmdlet in Remote PowerShell for EOP: PS C:\Users\brian.reid> Get-SpoofMailReport Date                Event Type Direction Domain Action       Spoofed Sender              True Sender     Sender IP—-                ———- ——— —— ——       ————–              ———–     ———14/04/2016 00:00:00 SpoofMail  Inbound          GoodMail 00:00:00 SpoofMail  Inbound         …

  • Renewing Apple APN for Office 365 Mobile Device Management

    Office 365 MDM (Mobile Device Management) allows you to manage iOS based Apple devices. Once you have had Office 365 Mobile Device Management is use for a year, the Apple APN certificate that you would have created a year ago for this purpose will expire. If you did not add this renewal date to your…

  • Upgrading Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server

    A new version of Azure MFA Server was released at the end of March 2016, version This provides an in place upgrade to the previous version This version is based on .NET 4.5 and not .NET 2.0, which is the big change in the product, along with new end user functionality in the…

  • Installing Azure Multi-Factor Authentication and ADFS

    I have a requirement to ensure that Office 365 users external to the network of one of my clients need a second factor of authentication when accessing Office 365 resources from outside the corporate network. The free Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) feature of Office 365 will not distinguish between network location so we need to enable…

  • ADFS Adapter Issues With Upgrading MFA 6.3.1 to Version 7

    Upgrading the ADFS Adapter is not straight forward, though the readme notes for the upgrade make no mention of issues! To upgrade MFA Server 6.3.1 to 7 (so you can remove .NET 2 as a requirement, as that goes out of support soon) then you need to download the MFA installer to each MFA server…

  • Exchange Online Archive–Counting Archives

    If you are using Exchange Online Archive and what to get a count of the number of users with an archive, or a list of the users with an archive, then the following PowerShell scripts will give you this info: List all users with an Exchange Online Archive: Get-MailUser -ResultSize Unlimited | where {$_.ArchiveName -ilike…

  • ADFS Service Login Failures and a Simple Fix

    If you find on restarting your ADFS server that you get the following event IDs in System event log, 7038, 7034 and 7000 that read as the following: The adfssrv service was unable to log on as DOMAIN\adfssvc$ with the currently configured password due to the following error: The user name or password is incorrect.…

  • Bulk Enabling PSTN Conferencing

    Once you have trialled and configured PSTN Conferencing with a few users you may roll it out much wider. This blog post contains the steps to do that using PowerShell so you can licence and enable your users for Skype for Business Online PSTN Conferencing very quickly. Generate a User List Create in Excel a…

  • Skype for Business Online PSTN Conferencing and Office 365 Business Subscriptions

    At the time of writing, it is not possible to add a PSTN Conferencing licence to Office 365 Business subscriptions – or at least that is what the portal shows: Here you can see that PSTN Conferencing is not an available add-on. But it is possible to add these licences if you know the URL…

  • Unable To Remove Office 365 Domain Error

    If you need to remove a domain from Office 365 it needs to not be in use. This includes the services that use that domain, for example an Accepted Domain in Exchange Online. If though you have an expired, maybe test, Office 365 tenant and you want to remove a domain from it you may…