Category: iOS
Intune App Protection Policies and “All Apps” Do Not Automatically Stay Up To Date
When you create an App Protection Policy and select “All Apps”, Microsoft points out in Intune that they will keep the policy up to date for you and add new apps as they are released (so it is always “All Apps”) and not “All Apps on the date I made the policy and no changes…
Renewing Apple Tokens in Intune
To sync Apple OS devices to Intune you need a token created by Apple and uploaded to Intune. There are at least 3 seperate tokens that you might use and each of these expires one year after creation and needs renewing before they expire. The three (plus) tokens you need are: Apple MDM Push Certificate…
Getting Teams Meetings Added to Your Events When Using Apple iOS Calendar App
A user can enable an “All Meetings Online” option in Outlook (all versions) to add a Teams meeting automatically when the meeting is created and an admin can enable this centrally for all users with the PowerShell Set-OrganizationConfig -OnlineMeetingsByDefaultEnabled $true But this does not add the meeting bridge to events created in Apple Calendar on…
iOS and Outlook Mobile and Duplicate Contacts
Of the back of a few conversations recently on having duplicate contacts in the iOS platform because of syncing via multiple different routes or devices I decided to try to reproduce the issues and see what I could work out. I looked on my test iPhone to see if I could see any duplicates and…
Exchange Online Warning On Receipt Of New Email Sender
Released recently to no fanfare at all, Microsoft now has a SafetyTip that appears if you receive email from a first time recipient. Most often phish emails will come from an address you have never received email from before, and sometimes this email will try to impersonate people you communicate with or are internal to…
What Is The Value of enrollmentProfileName
In Microsoft EndPoint Manager there are a few different device registration scenarios that make use of a property called device.enrollmentProfileName. To find and apply other settings (apps, config, etc) to these devices later on you need to have a Dynamic Device Group based on this property. The problem is the value of the property is…
Renewing Apple APN for Office 365 Mobile Device Management
Office 365 MDM (Mobile Device Management) allows you to manage iOS based Apple devices. Once you have had Office 365 Mobile Device Management is use for a year, the Apple APN certificate that you would have created a year ago for this purpose will expire. If you did not add this renewal date to your…