Category: hosting
Forefront Online Protection for Exchange Spam Filtering to Outlookâs Junk E-Mail Folder
Forefront Online Protection for Exchange (FOPE) is a cloud hosted email anti-spam and antivirus filtering system. Amongst the options to filter away your spam, one of the options to to allow the email to be flagged and sent on into your on-premises email system, and then managing it there. If you have Exchange 2007 or…
Hosting Exchange 2010 and Issues With Duplicate Contacts
When you are creating a hosted Exchange system using the Exchange 2010 On Premises product (not the /hosting version of the product) it is likely that if two or more of your customers create a mail contact in the global address list (GAL) for the same external email recipient they will see some issues with…
GoDaddy SSL Certificate Approval with TXT Records
I had a bit of an issue with Go Daddy yesterday in that they took 5 days to approve a Subject Alternative Name change to a certificate, and as the usual route of adding a file to a website was unavailable to me I decided to prove ownership of the domain by the addition of…