Category: Exchange Server

  • Forcing Transport Level Secure Email With Exchange Online

    In Exchange Online there are a few different options for forcing email to require an encrypted connection. These depend upon the level of licence you have, and some of them are user based (Office 365 Message Encryption for example), but there are two ways to force TLS (transport layer security) for the email between when…

  • XOORG, Edge and Exchange 2010 Hybrid

    So you have found yourself in the position of moving to Exchange Online from a legacy version of Exchange Server, namely Exchange 2010. You are planning to move everyone, or mostly everyone to Exchange Online and directory synchronization plays a major part (can it play a minor part?) in your plans. So you have made…

  • Capax Zantas EAS EWS 501 Errors

    Whilst load balancing Exchange 2013 with a Capax Zantas EAS deployment in place I was reminded of an issue I experienced a few years ago with a Kemp load balancer. The EAS app for OWA was failing with various errors such as: Communication with service failed. The service might be down or misconfigured. Error code:…

  • Photos, Exchange, And The File System

    On an Exchange 2013 and later server this is a folder called photos that gets created after installation and can contain a couple of user photos for some of your users. How does it get there and what does it contain? The photos folder appears (on 2016 anyway) when the user uploads a photo (via…

  • Exchange Online Archive–Counting Archives

    If you are using Exchange Online Archive and what to get a count of the number of users with an archive, or a list of the users with an archive, then the following PowerShell scripts will give you this info: List all users with an Exchange Online Archive: Get-MailUser -ResultSize Unlimited | where {$_.ArchiveName -ilike…

  • Exchange Server and Missing Root Certificates

    I came across an issue with a clients Exchange Server deployment today that is not well documented – or rather it is, but you need to know where to look. So I thought I would document the troubleshooting steps and the fix here. We specifically came across this error when testing Free/Busy for an Office…

  • Exchange 2013 Partner Applications and Error 2008

    When Exchange Server 2013 is configured to connect to Lync / Skype for Business Server one of the steps is to create a partner application. When this is first run the partner application stores the certificate presented by Lync Server in the Active Directory configuration partition. If the certificate changes on the Lync Server then…

  • Qualifications in Exchange Signatures

    In a recent project I was working with iQ.Suite from GBS and specifically the component of this software that add signatures to emails. The client are an international organization with users in different geographies and we needed to accommodate the users qualifications in their email signature. The problem with this is that in Germany qualifications…

  • DLP Templates

    At the Microsoft Exchange Conference 2014 in Austin, Texas I ran a session on DLP templates. This blog post was linked from the slides and contains the examples I used in the session. To download any of the samples click the links below: ContosoPharma.xml – the DLP data classification file to add the ability to detect…

  • Message Classifications, Exchange Server, Exchange Online and Outlook

    Message Classifications are a way to tag email with a property that describes the purpose of the email, for example “Internal Use Only” might be a classification to tell the recipient of the email that the message should not be forwarded. Classifications are configured by administrators and appear shortly after creation in Outlook Web App,…