Category: sip

  • We can’t set up the conversation Teams Chat Error

    You want to chat from Teams to a person outside your company who is also using Teams and you get “We can’t set up the conversation because your organisations are not set up to talk to each other”. This is an admin setting, so if you are not the Teams admin you need to speak…

  • Building An Exchange Unified Messaging Lab (Part 7)

    In this series of blog posts I am looking at creating a Unified Messaging lab for Exchange Server 2010 (and 2013). Earlier posts have looked at the installation of the PBX (AsteriskNOW) and the configuration of the Exchange Server. This post will look at the configuration of the user’s settings. For each user there are…

  • Building An Exchange Unified Messaging Lab (Part 2)

    This series of blog posts started with Part 1 where we discussed the requirements of the lab and what you would need from any PBX that you might have to hand. Part 2 (and the next few parts) will look at installing AsteriskNOW to provide a software PBX to support the Exchange Server unified messaging…

  • Building An Exchange Unified Messaging Lab (Part 3)

    This blog is part of a series on creating a unified messaging lab for Microsoft Exchange Server. Configuring Unified Messaging was not as easy as I thought it would be and there was a lack of information that brought all the settings into one place, and a lot of incorrect information! The series started with…