Category: Microsoft Cloud App Security

  • SSL Inspection and Microsoft 365

    SSL Inspection and Microsoft 365

    There are a number of features in Microsoft 365 that do not work if SSL Inspection (also known as TLS Interception) is enabled on your device or network provider. You need to disable the listed URLs that Microsoft provides in its documentation. The problem is there is a lot of disconnected documentation! This blog post…

  • Conditional Access in Defender for Cloud (MCAS)

    I was asked this question last week at Microsoft Ignite following a talk that I did, and as it was a question it was clearly not as clear cut as maybe I thought it was. The question was, “why is Conditional Access found in Azure AD and Defender for Cloud?” (Defender for Cloud was previously…

  • Block Downloads and Other Controls in Microsoft Dynamics

    Block Downloads and Other Controls in Microsoft Dynamics

    This article will walk you through the use of Microsoft Cloud App Security (MCAS in the rest of the article) to implement data protections in the Microsoft Dynamics product range. This includes Dynamics 365 (the CRM product), Finance and Operations, Talent, Marketing etc. In this walk through we will block copy and paste from the…

  • Blocking Apps With a Low Reputation

    One of the benefits of Microsoft 365 is the interaction across many products and features to create services that otherwise you might not have available to you or need to implement unrelated and unconnected additional software and maybe client agents as well. Recently announced is an interaction between Windows Defender (client AV and other security…