Category: mdatp

  • Free Web Content Filtering With Microsoft Defender ATP

    Well free as in you need an MDATP licence first, but as this used to be an add on feature on top of MDATP with an additional cost, this is now effectively free once you are licensed for MDATP. The feature enables your organisation to track and regulate access to websites based on their content…

  • Office ATP Safe Documents

    This is a new feature in Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection Plan 2 in addition to Safe Attachments. Safe Documents at the time of writing is only available in US based Office 365 tenants and only used by Office 365 ProPlus 2002 Monthly Channel (Targeted) builds (build 12527.20092) and later. When a user receives an…

  • Blocking Apps With a Low Reputation

    One of the benefits of Microsoft 365 is the interaction across many products and features to create services that otherwise you might not have available to you or need to implement unrelated and unconnected additional software and maybe client agents as well. Recently announced is an interaction between Windows Defender (client AV and other security…