Category: android

  • Exchange Online Warning On Receipt Of New Email Sender

    Exchange Online Warning On Receipt Of New Email Sender

    Released recently to no fanfare at all, Microsoft now has a SafetyTip that appears if you receive email from a first time recipient. Most often phish emails will come from an address you have never received email from before, and sometimes this email will try to impersonate people you communicate with or are internal to…

  • What Is The Value of enrollmentProfileName

    In Microsoft EndPoint Manager there are a few different device registration scenarios that make use of a property called device.enrollmentProfileName. To find and apply other settings (apps, config, etc) to these devices later on you need to have a Dynamic Device Group based on this property. The problem is the value of the property is…

  • Too Many Folders To Successfully Migrate To Exchange Online

    Exchange Online has a limit of 10,000 folders within a mailbox. If you try and migrate a mailbox with more than this number of folders then it will fail – and that would be expected. But what happens if you have a mailbox with less than this number of folders and it still fails for…