Office 365 DirSync Schedule

The DirSync process sync’s every three hours by default, with  a random number between 1 and 10 minutes is added to the SyncTimeInterval to provide an additional time buffer to this three hour period.
This schedule can be changed by editing Microsoft.Online.DirSync.Scheduler.exe.Config in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Online Directory Sync. Change to read a different value for hours:minutes:seconds and restart the Microsoft Online Services Directory Synchronization Service.

Note that increasing the time sync interval will result in changes to the Active Directory not being synced until this time period has passed and so the longer the interval the greater risk that objects disabled or removed in the on-premise Active Directory are not replicated to Office 365 and therefore remain as a valid account within Office 365.



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2 responses to “Office 365 DirSync Schedule”

  1. Joakim avatar

    The synchronization schedule function has been redesigned since the release of Azure Active Directory Sync.
    Here is a post how to adjust the frequency of the sync schedule:

    1. Brian Reid avatar

      But it is worth writing here again, that changing the schedule is not supported as you need to wait for backend changes to sync around Office 365 and the different forests that make up Office 365 before you send the next sync. Three hours is allowed for this within the service, so your sync should not be less than this.

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