Category: activesync

  • Outlook AutoDetect And Broken AutoDiscover

    Outlook AutoDetect And Broken AutoDiscover

    Those in the Exchange Server space for a number of years know all about AutoDiscover and the many ways it can be configured and misconfigured – if even configured at all. Often misconfiguration is to do with certificates or it is not configured at all because it involves certificates and I thought I was aware…

  • Too Many Folders To Successfully Migrate To Exchange Online

    Exchange Online has a limit of 10,000 folders within a mailbox. If you try and migrate a mailbox with more than this number of folders then it will fail – and that would be expected. But what happens if you have a mailbox with less than this number of folders and it still fails for…

  • Continuing Adventures in AD FS Claims Rules

    Updated 20th April 2017 There is an excellent article at which discusses the use of Claims Rules in AD FS to limit some of the functionality of Office 365 to specific network locations, such as being only allowed to use Outlook when on the company LAN or VPN or to selected groups of users.…

  • Enabling ActiveSync on a Sony P1i with a GoDaddy Certificate

    GoDaddy issued certificates are not trusted by the Sony P1i phone and so if you are using a GoDaddy issued digital certificate for ActiveSync on one of these phones you will be prompted to accept the certificate at each sync. As this kills the purpose of push email sync you will want to stop the…