Category: 2012 R2

  • Checking for Login Issues with AD FS and Office 365

    This post will look at how you can view login errors in AD FS, trace them back to the Event Viewer on your AD FS server(s) and then help the user login correctly. Unlike earlier versions of ADFS it is not required to enabled config files and registry keys to turn on additional logging. All…

  • Configuring Sync and Writeback Permissions in Active Directory for Azure Active Directory Sync

    [Last updated 9th November 2022 – note that Microsoft now include this functionality in their own product as written at] [Last updated 11th November 2019 – added support for Exchange Server automapping support, which was announced during Microsoft Ignite 2019 and will be supported in the first half of calendar year 2020. This is…

  • SSL and Exchange Server

    In October 2014 or thereabouts it became known that the SSL protocol (specifically SSL v3) was broken and decryption of the encrypted data was possible. This blog post sets out the steps to protect your Exchange Server organization regardless of whether you have one server or many, or whether or not you use a load…

  • Creating Mailboxes in Office 365 When Using DirSync

    This blog post describes the process to create a new user in Active Directory on-premises when email is held in Office 365 and DirSync is in use. With DirSync in use the editable copy of the user object is on-premises and most attributes cannot be modified in the cloud. Creating the User Open Active Directory…

  • Intermittent Error 8004789A with AD FS and WAP 3.0 (Windows Server 2012 R2)

    This error appears when you attempt to authenticate with Office 365 using AD FS 3.0 – but only sometimes, and often it was working fine and then it starts! I’ve found this error is due to two things, though there are other reasons. The full list of issues is at I found that this…

  • Changing AD FS 3.0 Certificates

    I am quite adept at configuring certificates and changing them around, but this one took me completely by surprise as it has a bunch of oddities to consider. First the errors: Web Application Proxy (WAP) reported 0x80075213. In the event log the following: The federation server proxy could not establish a trust with the Federation…